“You Can Change the World”, “Yes You Can Change the World” these words have echoed in my mind and inspired me as I heard it from the professor of an entrepreneurship class at Rutgers University. As he started to lecture and began with a loud voice and said “you can change the world” then he started to talk about his family struggle and his achievement to become a professor at Rutgers University. Throughout the course, we learned how you can change your environment, your surroundings and improve yourself and start to achieve in building business and help others in need at the same time. He talked about real people who were self-starters in running their business and achieving great success also they were able to help others in need. This course really inspired me to continue to grow myself and start something that I would enjoy, inspire, teach and learn from. As I have started Baghdad Cuisine and see it grow slowly have brought me joy and happiness as I have seen my website grow from 2000 pages visited last year to 10,000 plus pages visited this year. Also, I started to have site members that joined in on my website and people started to put their comments and send me emails about some recipes and the website. You can do anything you like, love, and get inspired with, no one can stop you except yourself. Do not give up on your goals and dreams, you need to believe that you can do it, the need to work hard and struggle to achieve, the need to be inspired to accomplish your goals and dreams. You need to feel it in your body and soul, fill yourself with positiveness, and know that you can and able to do anything you put your mind into it. You must believe “You Can Change the World”.
As of the naming of Baghdad Cuisine the reason being is due to the timing of my childhood which I have enjoyed a great deal and have brought me great happiness until this day. I grow up in my beloved city of Baghdad surrounded by my mom, dad, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles and grandparents. Loved the closeness and surrounded by family, that made my childhood great one. As I have grown older and seen many of my friends their parents past away, they have begun to imitate the work or actions their parents have done before them and I have done the same. My mom loves to cook and enjoyed doing it, she also has done it with style. One of the main reasons starting this website to imitate my mom cooking and to bring back her greatest dishes that she cooked for her family and that I have enjoyed many years. I wanted to remember her always and keep her close to me by keeping her memories alive with me. The other goal that I was looking to achieve is helping the orphan children around the world, at the present time have not achieved that, because my website has not generated any income, but through hard work and perseverance will achieve it, maybe not this year but next year with Allah willing I can do it.