Welcome to Baghdad Cuisine online store
These recipes are my family favorite dishes, that I have cooked many times for my family, and friends. These recipes are typical traditional Iraqi dishes that have been cooked for many generations in the Iraqi homes. My intention to provide my customer with unique and original recipes in their taste and flavor. I have taken these recipes and upgraded them to make them simple and easy to cook. I am charging for each recipe $2.49 and half of the proceeding will go to
orphan children around the world, you are not just getting a good recipe but you are also helping a child to live a prospers life.
Any assistance in making these recipes or have any questions about these recipes please email us and we would be more than happy to help. There will be NO Refund own your purchases. I have included many pictures with each step to make it simple to make and follow. As you purchase your recipe you will be send a password to your email to access your recipe on Baghdad Cuisine you will have 3 days to print or copy your recipes please do not share your password with anyone (you will be denied access).
Copyright Notice
For all our visitors, food websites, cooking professionals, cookbook authors, food journalists, and culinary teachers, please know that all recipes and text are baghdaducisine.com original copyrighted materials. If you are interested to use Baghdad Cuisine recipes in any feature prints, online, and professional pursuit, please contact us. We kindly ask that our recipes not be posted on any other websites, unless otherwise authorized or request is send it. Thank you for visiting Baghdad cuisine, your comment and questions are greatly appreciated. "Enjoy the Experience"