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Eid (Muslim feast)

Writer's picture: R.S.R.S.

Eid, it is the joys time in the year for Muslims around the world, and especially for children, it is a big celebration after the whole month of fasting during Ramadan, the best thing after completing the fasting month is waking up to have a cup of tea or coffee to start your day. It is a requirement upon a Muslim to attend the Masjed to do Eid prayers, where the whole community get together to celebrated Eid and enjoy the rest of the day with all your loved once. Islam is all about having a community and gathering especially during Ramadan, where every single day you attend the night prayers with other Muslim and you get to establish relationship with other people who are similar and different than you. You are always surrounded with people and never alone. Eid also the same you must attend the Eid prayers in the Masjed and you get meet people from different background, culture, traditions and country and we would all come together for one purpose, to worship One Allah in one place. Many of the Masjed around United States provide and serve free food, sweets, and free games and toys for the children, it is a place for the whole family to come and enjoy on this especial day.

I remember when I was young and celebrating Eid in Baghdad, Iraq. As I have grown older, the memories of celebrating Eid back home is still so vivid in my mind and my heart would still get filled with joy and happiness as I recall these memories. My mom would buy all new clothing from under garments to pajamas, shoes and beautiful long gown dresses for me and my sibling to wear during the Eid celebration. The house would be filled with activities cleaning, cooking, relative and neighbors in and out, and last-minute preparation would be taken place. We would end our day by taking a shower and go to sleep by putting our new pajamas on. I would take my new dress and shoes to put under my pillow, I remember the happiness, excitement and joy that would fill full my heart to await the next morning to celebrated Eid. I would not be able to sleep from all the excitement and to be awake the next morning to rush to my parents to say, “happy Eid” and get my Eid gift inform of money, then I would put my new clothes on and rush to my grandparents’ house to greed them and get my Eid gift, I would go to my uncles and aunts and I would do the same at the end of the day would have collect so much money. The first day of Eid would be greeting and visiting relative and neighbors. As you visit you would take sweets with you, you would never go empty handed and they would serve you sweets and tea. The neighbored hood streets would be filled with children and all dressed in new clothing, the sound of their voices, talking, laughing and playing would fill the alleys of the neighbored hoods. The next day we would plan a trip to a farm or the river sites of Baghdad, the whole family would go, we would rent a bus to fit everyone. We would spend the entire day in the farm, and the farmer’s children would help us pick some of the fruits to take home with us for free. (Everlasting Memories of Home)

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