In France, many restaurant offer lamb brains dishes and it is a valued ingredient in may gourmet dishes. Lamb brains can be cooked in two different ways, one way is to fry it by sauteing the lamb brain in butter and the seconded way is broiling method, which is the best way, because it is a low-fat cooking technique and by keeping the fat intake, saturated fat and cholesterol at a low level. Lamb brains are highly delicate; it should be cooked or kept frozen as soon as possible. Lamb brain has 10.6 grams of protein, and it has no carbohydrates. It is High in fat it contains 8.6 grams of fat, if you have heart disease or high cholesterol you should avoid eating lamb brains. Lamb brain have an excellent Source of Vitamin B-12, which support nervous system, it is also lowers the risk of heart disease. Lamb brains has a good source of B vitamins, riboflavin, niacin and copper and selenium, which is antioxidants, therefore helps the immune system function appropriately and maybe it can help to prevent heart disease or cancer. Also, it has iron, zinc and potassium.
This dish is loved in many Iraqi homes; and there are restaurants in Iraqi specialized in only cooking the lamb brain. People come from faraway place just to eat in these restaurants. My parents love this dish so much and when it is cooked is like having a big celebration. This dish is not one of my or my family favorite dishes to eat, but I like cooking it anyway. . I always enjoyed to diversify my cooking habits into new and different dishes to enjoy different style and favors of cooking.
1 lamb head
6 cloves of garlic minced
4 Tablespoon ginger minced
½ long hot pepper minced
3 sun dry tomatoes minced
1 Tablespoon cumin
1 tablespoon black pepper
1 tablespoon nutmeg
1 tablespoon gram masala
1 tablespoon allspices
1 tablespoon turmeric
1 big white onion chopped
1 big red onion chopped
3 dry lemon
3 tablespoons of olive oil
Salt as preferred
Clean the lamb head very well, spilt the lamb head open in half by electric knife.
Put the lamb head in the pot and fill with water. Let it cook for about an hour and remove the white foamy slimy stuff as comes up. Take the lamb head and set aside. And throw all the water away.
In a deep pot add olive oil, garlic, ginger, hot pepper, dry tomatoes and salt. Let it cook for 2 minutes.

Add the red and white onion

Add the lamb head and stir, lower the heat and cover for about 10 minutes.

Fill the pot with water. Add cumin, black pepper, nutmeg, garam masala, allspices, turmeric and 3 dry lemon.
cover and let it cook for about an hour on medium heat.

Plating The Dish
In a plate add pita bread and add the head of the lamb on the top of the bread then add the sauce from the cooked the lamb sauce over.